Training Philosophy
Psychology of Training
Genetically, dogs are pack-oriented and require strong, trustworthy leadership. Dogs do not desire to be the pack leader themselves, but need precise and consistent communication in order to recognize you as the pack leader.

Without a defined pack leader, dogs develop anxiety, fear, stress and confusion. These are the roots of a dog's negative behaviors. Through training, you will learn how to clearly communicate your role as pack leader and re-claim leadership.
In-Home Training Benefits
Behavior Modification requires customizing solutions to resolve undesirable behaviors. In-Home training addresses the specific needs of your dog as well as your family's desires for its companion. This method makes goals practical and achievable.

Classes are often a struggle to maintain your dog's attention and can trigger fear and aggression in your dog as well as others. In-Home training provides a stress-free environment to encourage your dog's learning without distraction. Your technique and body language gets the detailed attention needed to display pack leadership.
Long-Term Benefits of Training
The most important aspect of having a dog is enjoying your companion. It is difficult to fully appreciate your dog if you are challenged by unruly behavior. Walking your dog should be a fun, relaxing experience, not a tug-of-war. Encountering other dogs should be manageable, not terrifying. These and other desired behaviors are accomplished through training.

After training you will be aware of your dog’s body language and what it communicates. You will know how to properly and effectively handle your dog’s behaviors. You will feel confident of your skills to anticipate and minimize potential challenging situations. You will learn the tools to provide a calm and structured environment. Training will develop a working relationship with your dog stemming from respect, as well as love.